How to use haakaa
How to use haakaa

how to use haakaa

Feed from Side A, then swap bubba to Side B and put the Haakaa on Side A. The most impo rt ant thing is that the baby gets as much milk as they can directly from the breast, so I don’t want her to put it on a breast before her baby has been there first. Here, among many many other things and a lot of emotional support, I suggest the Haakaa. If things are going well, she can continue to do this. If she feels her supply is continuing to dramatically increase and her baby finds feeding more and more difficult, then stop the Haakaa completely. I tell her that I’d like her to use it only once a day, not any more. I tell her to do this for one week, then check in about how things are going. If that discomfort isn’t there for the other ones, then don’t do it.

how to use haakaa

I suggest that she use the Haakaa just for that first morning feed where her breast is really uncomfortably full.

how to use haakaa

I’d usually tell her to hand express just to the point of feeling comfortable, but she wants to continue to have a small freezer stash. We obviously talk about a lot of things, but I let her know that the pumping that she is doing is stimulating her supply further, and her baby is already beginning to really struggle with the force of her letdown, so I don’t want a pump in the mix (sure, the Haakaa is a kind of pump, I suppose, but it does not stimulate the breast in the same way).

How to use haakaa